Wednesday 17 March 2010

Always have the camera to hand

I'd been shooting birds (digitally!) again today and had packed up to do some work. The long lens was still attached when I heard a helicopter approaching. The air ambulance was coming in to land at the rugby club. I dashed outside and tried to get it in the frame and in focus. Somehow I'd switched the autofocus off and failed. But what lands has to take off again.

When I heard the engines running again I had a second go. One shot out of four was half decent, and I'm happy with the lens's performance. It's just a photo of a helicopter, but good practice handholding the lens. An aeronautical photographer would have used as lower shutter speed to blur the blades more, but I had the camera set to freeze flighty birds.

Some of the bird photos were okay too. Quite addictive this bird photography lark - in an achieving an aim sort of way.

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