Sunday, 8 April 2012


I decided to scan some old negatives last night for nostalgia's sake. The quality of the original negatives is pretty ropey. Apart from being out of focus or blurred almost all are scratched and/or covered in dust. My scanner isn't the best either, although I have made some good 7x5 inkjet prints from earlier scans.

Apart from the  nostalgic aspect of some of the shots what has struck me is that I was drawn to photographing street furniture and tarmac back in 1978. I still find myself framing those two things today.

Step back in time...

This is a strange one. Not only is the negative pretty 'clean', but it's a picture I have never printed. Yet it seems to work pretty well to me now.

This one is demonstrates an interest in symmetrical compositions, and has historical interest as the location has been significantly redeveloped.

An early example of a tarmac picture which is also concerned with patterns of light and shade.

I can't help thinking that had I continued taking photographs after 1982 these same themes and subjects would have remained prominent.

And finally one taken while at art school showing a primitive photograph making machine!

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