Tuesday, 7 June 2016

The end is nigh

I hadn't been past the sandplant for a few weeks until today. Even from afar it was plain to see that there had been big changes. The profile had changed. The big piles of sand were gone. I returned this evening trying to do the impossible - photograph that which is no longer present. If I was organised, or a control freak, I'd have made some prints of how things were before and gone to replicate the viewpoints to show thechange. I'm not wired that way. So I didn't!

The light was flat, which in a way was good as a low evening sun tends to get in the frame, but it did make emphasising patterns in the sand problematic.  Although the place is now almost levelled off it retains much of its strangeness to my eyes. The lack of features to provide scale trick me into imagining I'm seeing a desert or moonscape on a grand scale.

 It's almost apocalyptic. Until you come across half-burried detritus or a flowering plant.

This must be nearing the final stages. What is to come once all the sand piles are gone remains to be seen. I have my doubts that whatever it is will be as varied, changeable and interesting as what has been removed.

 See more here.

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