Sunday, 8 April 2018

Situation normal

This morning I processed yesterday's pictures in colour. Despite thinking I liked the black and whites, I find the colour ones more to my liking. Certainly those where the white balance isn't all over the shop. In future I shall restrict my use of monochrome to places where every picture has mixed lighting temperatures, and when I want to be 'arty'. So nothing much has changed!

I must admit that I should really try to remember to set a custom white balance in lighting situations such as the auction sale ring. Two things hold me back. I forget, and I can never remember how to do it...

Something interesting happened when I'd processed all the files. I made a different selection for a gallery to that which I made with the black and white pictures. even though I was selecting from the same batch of images. Not wildly different, but different enough - here.

After lunch I ventured out to look for the promised sunshine and sheep. Sheep I found, lambs indeed, but the sunshine didn't show itself until I'd given up and had the kettle on back home. While motherly ewes are protective of their offspring and take them away from the first sign of unknown humans (mostly), lambs are inquisitive. They'll stand and stare at you for long enough to get plenty of shots of them. With no blue sky for a background I wasn't able to make any decent pictures from my favoured low vantage point of lambs on an old flood bank.

One ewe was quite confiding and didn't rush away from me. She still refused to strike any photogenic poses though. At least one more shot added to me 'square sheep' sorta-project.

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