Friday, 22 May 2020

Pandering to the crowd?

I guess people have either got used to the changes brought about by the COVID-19 situation or are remembering what used to be normal. Whatever the case work has picked up, limiting my time to get out and about. Even so I have managed some short sessions wandering the meanygates. There's a lot of the same old stuff, but sometimes a day or two can change things enough to make comparison pictures.

I find that there often comes a point when I'm starting to repeat myself that I break out of the rut and begin to see different pictures of the familiar things. Sometimes all it takes is a change of viewpoint.

While there were a few people about when I started my meanderings since the crops have been planted, and my walks have shifted more to evenings, they have thinned down a bit when I've been out and about. That changed when one farmer on his 56 year old tractor stopped for a chat.I learned a lot about what I've been photographing. For one thing not all the crop coverings are the same.

While I first thought the photograph below was nothing more than a record snap, and it wasn't posed, the more I look at it the more it seems to be a bit more than a snap. Or maybe I'm deluding myself. I was lucky with the light, and I managed to get my shadow out of frame

That was Tuesday. It wasn't until today, Friday, that I managed to get out again. This time I took the car to retrace my tracks from a morning trip out on errands to photograph the dust storm which the 40mph winds were stirring up from the dry land. It was horrible to be out in the dust, the tiny particles being just as bad as wind whipped sand. The fine particles were getting in my eyes and I couldn't bear it for more than a few minutes. My pictures were pretty poor as a result. But they still tell the tale I think, even if they are not what I had envisaged.

Mean while on Twitter I have been posting occasional pics from the past. I mostly concentrate on sheep pictures, and being fed up of a constant diet of Herdwicks, Swaledales and Rough Fells from the people I follow I found a Whitefaced Woodland picture which I cropped. For some reason it proved popular. I know full well that interwebby 'likes' don't mean a picture is great, but this got more likes than I have followers. Which isn't saying a lot but there must be something about it people find pleasing.

And finally...

It's zine time again. Watch this space!

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