Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Artificial and natural light

My leap into the world of artificial lighting continues. This isn't being done to make 'art' it's purely to make pictures to sell stuff I want to get rid of so it's still based around photographing things on a table top but I've found that having better equipment makes understanding what to do a lot easier than messing about with flaky gear. I've also discovered that everything I've tried reading about the subject was badly explained. Or not explained in a way that I find easy to understand. But I am much more a learn by doing or watching than learn by being told kind of person!

Out in the wide world the light has suddenly brightened. Almost as if a switch has been thrown not only are the days apparently longer since the clocks altered but the sun has been shining brightly. When I've had the time I've been out making the most of it.


With the moss drying out rapidly work is starting up in the fields and I'm back recording the shapes and patterns, and any work in progress I can. Sometimes that bright light has been a hindrance when I've been forced to shoot into it. I'm not sure if it's the particular lens that is prone to veiling flare or whether it's just the way the light was but I had problems one late afternoon. The highly contrasty scne didn't help matters either.

With the sun behind me no such difficulties.

While this light makes life easier I'm not sure I'd like it all the time as it's all too easy to be sucked in by it and start making pictures which are 'all about the light'. I try to use it to help me get a message across, to enhance the subject rather than become the subject.

I think I might have fallen into the seductive light trap the other evening though.

Of course there are times when light has to be the subject. The moon is only visible at night because it reflects sunlight. This is hand held, shot through the kitchen window and noisy, but I like it. Is the moon the subject, or the clouds, or the branches? Or perhaps just the overall effect or the light.

I'm missing going to events and photographing people dong stuff. So it's good to see that the later summer agricultural shows are starting to advertise themselves as taking place. Nothing certain in these uncertain times but maybe I'll get the chance to photograph some people with sheep this year.

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