The weather has been dire recently and work stuff has also kept me at home. So when the skies brightened after tea last night I grabbed the cameras and set off. I hadn't gone a mile when over to the west there were some impressive looking storm clouds. I'd just been reading Moose Peterson's blog about storm chasing in America and it felt a bit like a small scale, and tornado free, version of that as I drove along with the clouds speeding along to my right.
I wanted to get some elevation to photograph things so took a turn past the community farm hoping the bridge over the brook would provide it. It did, but the view was cluttered. As I parked up the rain arrived. It blew over quickly in the strong wind and I turned round to go elsewhere.
Back over the bridge and Graham had just arrived at the farm, and I noticed the new chicken shed had arrived so I stopped to have a look. That was a mistake. I ended up lending a hand to putting the finishing touches to its installation. Getting soaked in a heavy hail shower and the lighter rain that followed. However I did manage to get a couple of potentially useful pictures.
Once more the magic of technology enabled the capture of a picture which would have been nigh on impossible with film. ISO 800 is no problem for a modern digital camera, a big help for photographing chickens roosting in a dark shed.
In between showers and holding planks of wood I did a bit of planning. Being rubbish at directing people for portraits I made a few exposures to work out how I'd like to frame a portrait of Graham in front of the new shed. So I got my shooting position worked out by photographing the shed on its own. Even if the portrait didn't work out I'd have a picture of the new shed to contrast with one of the old shed.
All I then had to do was ask Graham to stand in front of the shed, without smiling. I think it works. The job was pretty much done by then and the rain was on it's way back so I said my goodbyes and headed home to dry out.
Even with a slightly wider lens than I had with me last time I found I could have done with a bit more to get a couple of shots which didn't pan out when I tried them. There's less room inside the run that I'd imagined. It's difficult to cover all angles with just one camera so comprises have to be made. A few more ideas for the project have come to mind, and I think I'm beginning to form a clearer idea of where it's heading now. Some progress at least.
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