My best picture from midweek was rubbsih....
This afternoon I grabbed a camera with a mid range zoom and went for a tootle in the car without any ideas. I'd not gone far when I saw sheep grazing on the remains of a cabbage field. I also managed to find a place to pull over and park.The sheep saw me coming and legged it, in that nonchalant slow walk away they do. I fired off a few frames trying for a sheepscape then took some more shots of the electric fence. When I got back home and looked at the photos I'd managed to miss focus on a post a few feet away from me. I also discovered that the sheep blended into the nibbled cabbages, bot hin colour and black and white. If that wasn't bad enough I thought a longer lens would have been more useful.
After a bite to eat I was in two minds about going for a second attempt or staying home. The sun had come out again and maybe there'd be better light. With nothing else to do other than the washing up I changed lenses and put my boots back on. This time the sheep seemed less concerned by my presence. Maybe I did a better job of sneaking up on them!
The change in light did help a bit, but I had to watch out for my shadow. The longer lens helped keep that out of shot. I made a better job of the fence picture and got some others which did a passable job of showing the way the grazing system works.
Across the road there is a field of ewes and lambs. They are far more skittish than the cabbage field sheep. I tried to get some gambolling lamb pictures bu they weren't up for it. Some sheepscapes? Most were too far away to make the compositions I would have liked. The best I managed was a bit too much sheep and not enough scape.
More work is on the cards next week, but there might be more free time too. If not there is a poultry auction on Saturday. That gives me something to aim for.
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