Selling self-published fishing books isn't a problem for me, I have a pre-existing market I can tap into, but talking people into buying books of my photographs is another matter! Up until now I've made zines and Blurb books for my own amusement and to give away to those who appear in them or who have been kind enough to let me take pictures at their events by way of thanks and because I think pictures need to be printed and shared.
The printing costs have always made them work out a bit expensive if postage and even a small profit margin is added on. Having been put on to a different printer, however, costs have come down enabling a better value offering to be produced. How I'm going to promote and market this first zine remains to be seen. I guess hitting the dreaded social media will have to be done. In the first instance here is a flip through video - which will give me an idea if anyone other than myself reads this blog!
In anticipation of a sales rush I have set up a page on my photography site where the wonderful publication can be purchased which can be found here!
Back in the real world rather than my fanciful imagination work has again curtailed my roaming with a camera. I might only have managed a couple of evening walks taking 'experimental' camera gear with me, not expecting to see much, but I came back with some worthwhile additions to the files. Or ones which have given me ideas to work on.
The first time I went out on a still windy evening with a long zoom and the Panasonic and it's standard zoom. The small camera was a sort of fallback option in case the longer lens proved useless. As it turned out both options came in useful. The only downside to the micro 4/3 system being the small sensor's woeful performance in low light and lack of dynamic range shooting into the setting sun. With bright sun behind me the results from it were perfectly fine.
The second wander saw me taking just the 50mm lens on the big camera with my backup being the expensive (at brand new price) compact with its 28mm equivalent lens. The compact didn't get much use but when it did the sensor gave a nicer look than the m4/3 under similar light conditions.
This picture still baffles me as to what made me take it. I'm not sure it fits in the project either.
More of the usual. Again. But showing a partially harvested crop. Which makes it different.
Unlike this picture which doesn't add much but I like.
Finally a second try at something under different light to the first go. I shot quite a few frames of this but didn't quite nail it. I got half way there with two. Should have been midway between them I think.
I'm still enjoying this project, still finding new things to photograph and still having to think about what I'm doing. The time might be coming when I start breaking it up into sub-projects based on types of pictures or subjects. Finding details to use as punctuation could well be added to the agenda.