Monday, 11 January 2021

Problems, problems...

Buy cheap buy twice. I've never believed that always applies. On the other hand there really is no such thing as a free lunch. When I was thinking of making a website to showcase my wonderful photographs I was overjoyed to find my business site's host provided a free software install to do that which integrated with Lightroom to make uploading sequenced galleries easy. It worked just great until a week or so ago. Now when I log in to the admin page everything is black.

The host says it's not a problem with that side of things, so it was time to contact the software people. Alas their contact pages throw up a 'page not found' alert. Try Twitter. Their Twitter account has seen no activity for two years. I await, without bated breath, a reply to my direct message seeking advice. On the plus side my website is still live and functioning. I just can't update it.

This is annoying because I've made a small selection of wintry pics taken locally which work quite well together. Here are a few.


After the run of night-time sub zero temperatures winter has reverted to form. Heavy cloud cover, low light levels and the inevitable rain. This inspired me to have another bash at scanning my old fishing photos. A tedious task which soon lost its appeal. Then I found a photo album I'd intended to start using to put prints of pictures from a project in. That got me thinking that I really should do what I've threatened myself to do for ages - make more prints.

I dug out some paper and made a start printing them on 5z7 paper. I set up a template in Lightroom to put a border round the pictures and print the date. Smashing. hastily I went on-line and ordered more paper and two albums in the same size.

Ten minutes later, looking at the A4 prints in the album I came top the conclusion that the image area was too small on the 5x7s, but A4 was a bit big. What to do? Get the guillotine out and chop an A4 sheet down to 8x10. With some fiddling that gave me an image area that Goldilocks would have liked. Not too big, not too small. Just right. Luckily the paper and album people were happy to change my order and my goodies are due to arrive tomorrow. I already have plenty of ink. All that remains now is for me to be disciplined enough to make prints on a regular basis to populate the albums. That might be a challenge too far!

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