Sunday, 9 May 2021

Desert Island Photo Books - 7

Almost done. In case anyone hasn't sussed it, I'm primarily interested in photographs of British people in Britain. Where the landscape is involved I like to see people, or at least animals, in it. The mania among landscape photographers for showing it as unpopulated really frustrates me. Perhaps in far flung corners of the world the landscape hasn't been populated or manipulated, but in Britain it has - for millennia.

The British have a special relationship with the countryside, part nostalgic reverence and part a desire to make it like the indoors, or at least utilise it as they would an urban space.

This is why Simon Roberts's book We English is on my list. Taken on a journey round England Roberts used social media to have places to visit suggested to him, which is an interesting idea and helps the book reflect how the English see their outdoors as a place to enjoy in a peculiarly English way.

The large format photographs, taken from a high viewpoint, contain lots of detail and probably work even better as large prints, but the book format is fine by me.

My next 'Desert Island' post will not be my number one choice, but a quick mention of some books which didn't quite make it. Just to keep heighten the suspense!

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